
Total 298 Posts

Things that are factored into a Mortgage

When you find yourself finally ready to look for your first home to purchase, one of the first things that you will need to establish is what sort of mortgage you can qualify for. There is no use in starting your house search until you know precisely what it is

Choosing between Messi or Juninho may be a surprise!

No-one would expect a conversation with the CEO of a council would contain such a fascinating array of subjects. From the mysteries of just who decides where roundabouts are built, to the choice between fish and chips or a Parmo, this is a hugely entertaining chat. Leeds City Council chief

Don't pave it, save it!

Leeds City Council has published its ‘Don’t Pave it, Save it’ guidance, which encourages residents to consider the environment and their impact on flood risk when renovating their front garden or driveway. The hard surfacing of front gardens for parking and reduced maintenance is increasingly popular, with over a

How small businesses can reduce their recruitment costs in 2021

Small business across the globe have had a torrid time during the pandemic, with many being forced to close down, make staff redundancies, or furlough staff for extended periods of time. Overheads and expenses are always a preoccupation for small businesses as overspending can rapidly eat away at their profits

How local businesses can create a great retail space

Starting up a retail company for the first can be daunting, especially if you have had little experience of business before now. One of the most important steps you should take when starting up a local business is to create a welcoming and effective retail space that can make your

Chairman of Leeds Tykes, asks can Bruce Springsteen run a rugby team?

The esteemed international corporate lawyer, board executive and Chair of Leeds Tykes Alastair Da Costa, talks of his love for all things Yorkshire and in particular Leeds. The podcast delves into a variety of subjects including whether Bruce Springsteen runs a better team than most rugby captains. On the subject

PPE rules for construction workers

Construction is a dangerous business to work in. Between 2019 and 2020, 61,000 workplace injuries were reported to HSE (Health and Safety Executive) by the construction industry []. There were also 40 fatal injuries to construction workers during this period. While
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