Leading North Yorkshire-based mental health charity Wellspring Therapy and Training is helping to tackle depression, loneliness and poverty in one of the most deprived areas of the UK.

The charity, whose headquarters are in Starbeck, Harrogate, opened its first outreach hub in West Bowling in Bradford at St Stephen’s Church last year.
Now the counselling and training charity, which celebrates its 21st anniversary this year, is busier than ever in the city.

Its partnership with Shine (the charity based in St Stephen’s) has proved a tremendous success and is acting as a blueprint for its new counselling hubs in York and Leeds.

Nick Garrett, interim CEO with Wellspring, explained: “Over the last five years Wellspring has been approached by like-minded, community facing charities and churches who see a need for counselling in their communities and want to do something about it. Many churches and charities have a passion to see people suffering from emotional distress receive hope and support through counselling but feel they lack the confidence or resources to know how to offer this service.

“As the need for mental health support continues to grow, with the NHS overwhelmed and private counselling still unaffordable for many Wellspring’s team have felt moved to create a new project, in partnership with churches and charities.

“Wellspring Counselling Centres bring together Wellspring’s 20 years of experience in delivering affordable professional counselling services with a church or charity who is in touch with their community and ready to help. Through partnership working we will support a church to set-up, deliver and grow an affordable counselling service based on our own model.

One of the driving forces behind Shine is Linda Baines, whose husband, the Rt Rev Nick Baines, is the Bishop of Leeds and the patron of Wellspring.
She explained: “West Bowling isn’t just one of the most deprived areas of Bradford, it is one of the most deprived areas in the UK. The work that both Shine and Wellspring do here is absolutely invaluable. We do our very best to help people of all ages, religious beliefs and ethnicities to find a brighter and happier future.

“SHINE stands for Social, Health, Inner, Natural and Economic wellbeing. We believe that people need to thrive in all these areas for a fulfilled life. With counselling help from Wellspring, we are now helping over 200 men, women and children every single week.”

Sarah Hinton of Shine added: “Shine (West Bowling), based at St Stephen's Church, have been delighted to partner with Wellspring in order to offer a counselling service for members of our community.

“We have already seen the positive impact for people who otherwise would be unable to access such help and hope we will be able to grow and offer this to many more in the future.”

To find out more about Wellspring and how you can donate to the charity, call 01423 881881 or visit the website at wellspringtherapy.co.uk.