Yorkshire’s got talent

Yorkshire’s got talent

Yorkshire trailblazers from all sectors have been shortlisted for the Northern Power Women Awards 2022 sponsored by EY.

With a near two-year gap between the last round of nominations, the North certainly hasn’t disappointed with its triumphant celebration of Northern talent as this year's awards saw 1400 role models nominated. Whittling down the nominations to just 83 individuals and organisations was a mammoth task for the 72 judges who discussed, debated and ultimately decided who would be put through to the shortlist.

This year's shortlist sees countless powerful Yorkshire stories being spotlighted and showcased, with role models being represented across Bradford, Leeds, Halifax and Sheffield representing media and academia as well as tech and legal sectors.

It's clear Yorkshire most definitely has emerging talent, with nominations for with Claudia Allison Bartholomew, who went to Ghana to support the redevelopment of a school, and Lella Halloum who pivoted around the challenge of 2020 exam cancellations by enabling young people to use their voices as catalysts for change to reach sustainable development goals.
Tetra Tech have been shortlisted in the Large Organisation category, with Rugby Football League and Shine Leeds appearing in the Small Organisation shortlist.

Leading lights spotlighted in the 2022 shortlists include Nicky Chance Thompson, CEO of The Piece Hall and Professor Shirley Congdon, Pro-Vice Chancellor of The University of Bradford.

Yorkshire Entrepreneurs Jodie Hill, Kate Ball, Anna Sutton and Annalisa Toccara have also been shortlisted across the 11 categories.

Alison Kay, Managing Partner for Client Service at EY, UK and Ireland, commented: "A huge congratulations to all the nominees, who are shortlisted for the Northern Power Women Awards 2022. We saw first-hand, throughout the judging process, just how high the calibre of nominations were this year; reaching this shortlist is a huge achievement. EY are very proud to support an event that recognises so many powerful role models from across the North."

Since the first NPWAwards 6,040 individuals and organisations have been nominated, whose achievements and commitment have been celebrated garnering a staggering 126 million impressions across social media.

The NPWAwards is never just for one night and throughout the year individuals and organisations are recognised for the true northern grit that they exhibit, whilst cracking on and shifting the dial.

Simone Roche MBE, founder and CEO of Northern Power Women, said “I have once again been wowed by the high calibre of nominations we received and again we are adding to the hall of role models to inspire both current and future generations to use their PoWEr for good and advance gender equality together.”

The winners of the Northern Power Women Awards will be announced on the 21st of March 2022 at a gala awards night and dinner at the Manchester Central Convention Complex. The Power List and Future List will be announced on 8th February at 11am.