Yorkshire Water gearing up to help pubs prepare for end of lockdown

Yorkshire Water is once again working alongside the region’s pubs and hospitality sector to help them prepare for reopening once the third national lockdown ends.
The water company is enabling landlords to dispose of waste beer free of charge, repeating the scheme it ran before pubs reopened in July 2020.
Dan Rowe, trade effluent manager at Yorkshire Water, said: “In July, many pubs were rushing to reopen after the first national lockdown, and we worked hard to help them legally dispose of waste product free of charge.
“This has been a particularly difficult period for the hospitality sector and we feel it is right to offer this service again following the recent government lockdown announcement. We’re encouraging pubs in our region to start preparing now for reopening when it is safe to do so by arranging for any disposals they need. We know establishments in North Yorkshire that continued to trade while in Tier 2 measures and any businesses operating takeaway beer facilities across the region may now need to dispose of their stocks.
“It is important landlords with surplus stock contact Yorkshire Water before discharging it into the sewer system so we can manage the impact the disposal has on our network and treatment works. This is a particular concern in North Yorkshire where smaller town and villages are served by smaller treatment works where a large influx of beer to the system could be damaging.
“Our primary concern is protecting the environment and it is important we understand when and where stock will be discharged to prevent any possible impact on local environments.”
In addition to contacting Yorkshire Water via water retailers, landlords, pub companies and breweries can again contact a dedicated email address - wastebeer@yorkshirewater.co.uk - to arrange for advice on the legal disposal of beer that will spoil during the lockdown period.