Yorkshire-based C & C Fabrications on a global mission with its Laddermate safety device

Laddermate is an innovative ladder safety product, produced by C&C Fabrications in Yorkshire. IT's already being used by many of the world's leading companies to improve ladder safety in the workplace, and the company is now on a mission to get this safety device into every corner of the world.

Its wide industrial and commercial appeal lies in its simplicity. Laddermate is a cost-effective way to brace ladders, it takes under five seconds to fit to any ladder, and significantly improves stability and safety. It also prevents ladder feet from slipping and keeps the angle of lean at the optimum level for business risk management.

This invaluable piece of kit also brings peace of mind for business owners in everything from hire companies, supermarkets and offices to warehouses and factories, seeking to improve workplace safety and minimise the risk of accidents in the workplace.

The well-known brand is in demand as it helps companies in the UK meet the Work at Height Regulations (2005). It’s also available in France, Ireland, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, the USA, and Canada. And it’s about to be launched on licence in Australia and New Zealand.

The Health and Safety Executive says that of 142 workers killed in 2020/21 (RIDDOR) 24% were caused by falls from height. And The Association of British Insurers says that £12 billion is lost through accidents in the UK every year, with 25% of these accidents from working at height. With fatalities, a large number of accidents and money being lost, precautions need to be put in place to ensure people’s safety and lower the risk of fines and insurance claims, especially in workplaces.

In high-risk environments, such as construction, manufacturing, retail, agriculture, and storage, working from height can be even more dangerous. Therefore, it’s important that businesses have the best safety and control measures.

C&C Fabrications’ managing director Chris Wallage says: “The biggest cause of UK workplace accidents is trips, slips and falls, including staff tumbling when working at height. Incorrect use of ladders is a significant reason why the number of industrial and domestic accidents is so high! Laddermate can be used by workers in any industry where people are working at height to stabilise ladders and reduce accident risk. It’s being used by over 120 local authorities, many blue-chip companies including a leading satellite TV company, major painting contractors, window cleaning businesses, telecoms, electricity companies, universities, police forces, fire and rescue services, and sign and security installers. And we’re starting to see demand from hire companies who recognise the value added to their clients. Let’s face it, you don’t want someone to hire a ladder from you and then fall off it – there’s the safety aspect of course, and the potential reputation risk to your brand.”

Benefits to using Laddermate:

  • Considerably reduces the risk of outward ladder slip.
  • Braces a ladder to reduce the amount of flex or ‘bounce’, making users feel more secure.
  • Increases the effective base of the ladder by forming a much larger trapezium-shaped base than with just the ladder itself. This gives more sideways stability.
  • Ensures that users erect the ladder at approximately the recommended angle. This will vary slightly depending on the configuration of the ladder.
  • Most importantly for employers, Laddermate costs less than a day’s pay for another person to foot the ladder and, once bought, it will last for years.
  • And it takes less than five seconds to fit the Laddermate!
  • Lightweight zinc plated – weighs under 6kg.

In 2022 C&C have licensed Laddermate to a reseller in Australia, where people are traditionally employed to physically hold ladders while they are being used to improve their stability. Laddermate will take care of this.

Chris adds: “Expanding the brand into Australia is the next step in making Laddermate available to businesses in every corner of the world – that’s our ambition.”

Laddermate is produced by C&C Fabrications own the rights to Laddermate and it’s sold under licence by resellers via Amazon and more.

Find out more about Laddermate here.