Why your business shouldn’t just focus on digital forms of advertising

The world of business is now entirely focused on and around technology. What’s more, regardless of the type of company you’re working for or indeed that you may own and its size and scalability, you will undoubtedly need to make use of computers.

It is uncommon that business owners in today’s world do not invest in a vast array of technology to help their business to run, with digital marketing being the preferred method of advertising products or services.
However, there’s also a necessity to advertise and promote your company as well as the products and/or services you offer by more traditional means.

Handwritten Letters Make a Connection
Nobody would ever expect you to craft a handwritten, inked letter to each and every client or customer whom you want to contact, for whatever reason. Still, there is an affordable and incredibly effective alternative.
There are plenty of notable and reputable companies that can design a handwritten yet printed letter. By doing so, you can physically have printed and sent to clients and customers, which will grab their attention far more easily than just another e-mail chain.

Physical Banners Attract Attention
You will, of course, be too familiar with the volume of ‘spam’ e-mails which seem to arrive constantly. You will therefore be aware of how easy and indeed how often you simply delete them straight away.
However, when it comes to advertising a new product or building general brand awareness, nothing can replace a large and high-quality printed banner, especially when you take the time to design the banner yourself and consider the different hemming options.

People Still Watch Television!
The vast majority of people, not only in the United Kingdom but also in nearly every single country across the world, have invited the internet and the online world into their homes and headspaces.

However, it is important not to completely disregard the medium of television when it comes to advertising and promotion, with the same majority of people still watching television when they come home from work each and every night.

Other Non-Digital Media
In addition to the main certainly more traditional forms of advertising and promotion discussed in detail above, there is also a range of other non-digital forms of media which may well be an ideal alternative, or indeed to work in conjunction with, digital marketing.

In the case of smaller and more trade-based businesses, such as landscape gardening, plumbing and carpentry, to name just a few examples, advertising in the local newspaper or even freely distributed flyers and leaflets are far more likely to reach the target customer than online means.
Other forms of non-digital advertising, which each have their own benefits and merits, include print advertising, be that posters or, more ostentatiously, on the back of a bus, taxi or other vehicle, business cards which can easily be given out to clients and customers and word-of-mouth referrals, which will always come out ‘on top.’