What to do as soon as you buy a car

Buying a new car is always exciting – it’s another step forward in your life, and no matter whether you have chosen a larger car to accommodate a growing family, a smaller one because you don’t need to worry about car seats anymore, or you’ve finally managed to get the car you’ve always wanted, there will always be some important tasks to complete once you’ve made that all-important purchase. Read on to find out what they are so that you can enjoy your new vehicle to the fullest.

The first thing you’ll need to do when you buy a car is to insure it. This is not something that can wait until you get home, assuming you’re driving the car from the dealer or private sale to your property. If you are behind the wheel of a car, you need to be insured; otherwise, that car can be taken from you and your license can be suspended. You’ll also have to pay a fine, and it might be hard to get insurance in the future.

Therefore, when you know you’re going to look at a car, get a quote online for your insurance. Save the details in your phone, and if you choose to buy the car, you can quickly tap a few buttons, pay your first month’s premium, and drive away safely and legally. If you decide against the car, the quote can be ignored or changed to reflect a different vehicle.

Everyone likes to make their car unique to them. This adds to the comfort level, and it makes the car feel more familiar, which is always a positive thing – driving a new car can be a daunting experience.

Some personal touches are best left until you get home; replacing your plates with private plates is an example of that. Others, like adding a certain air freshener you like or putting the keys on a special keyring, can – and should – be done as soon as you have paid for the car. You’ll feel comforted and the car will feel like yours.

It might be that, as soon as you sit in the driver’s seat if your new car, you feel completely comfortable. However, this would be unusual – there are many things most people need to do to ensure they are entirely comfortable, and it’s a good idea to do these things before taking your first drive in the car. Even if this means sitting in a dealer’s forecourt or on the street outside someone’s home for a few extra minutes, it’s worth it.

When it comes to comfort, we mean:
• Your seat position
• Your steering wheel position
Your mirrors (rearview and wing)
• Your knowledge of the dashboard and the various controls

It would be unsafe to set off without having these things in place. You need to be comfortable when driving, and if you’re worried about not being able to see the mirrors or reach the pedals properly, you won’t be concentrating on the road ahead.