Vapour launches Technology as a Service (TaaS)

Disruptive cloud specialist Vapour has launched a new Technology as a Service (TaaS) proposition, as the progressive firm continues its commitment to aiding the digital transformation of businesses large and small.

With TaaS commonly perceived as merely a lease plan for hardware and software procurement, there is far more to Vapour’s offering.

The goal is to support customers with the consistent delivery of high-performance technology, applications, and endpoint security, with proactive device imaging for a seamless user experience, plus the compliant handling of redundant kit and ongoing IT support.

But there will be no such thing as ‘one size fits all’, says Vapour’s CEO Tim Mercer.

“Whether we’re supporting a rapidly growing business with the onboarding of new staff, at pace, or handling a customer’s rip and replace strategy, the key to a value-adding TaaS proposition is flexibility,” he said.

“We’ll work with the customer to ensure every new device is supplied complete with the apps, functionality, UX and security that the employee requires – all they need to do is log on! This ticks many boxes, not least in terms of efficiency, quality control, minimal IT headaches and procurement simplicity. And everything is available for an affordable fixed price per user.”

With global environmental pressures mounting, Vapour predicts the take-back element of the TaaS offering will prove particularly popular.

Head of transformation and compliance Carol McGrotty added: “The TaaS contract can include the compliant recovery of redundant equipment with complete audit trail – to uphold customers’ data destruction and environmental responsibilities. Working with an AATF, we’ll ensure devices can be reused where possible, for maximum sustainability benefits but none of the security worries. And if the equipment is beyond repair, it will be processed for recycling.”

As a recognised Microsoft CSP, customers can source any Microsoft product or service, through Vapour – including Teams licences, Azure, hybrid cloud, and backups – with one wrap-around support solution, analytics across the collaboration stack, and direct escalation into Microsoft if needed. However, the company is technology agnostic so will produce a TaaS agreement tailored to customers’ individual requirements.