The essential guide to growing your business in Glasgow

Whatever the size of your business, having the right structure and strategies in place will help you continue to grow in today's ever-changing markets. The best organisations are always looking to improve their business practices by offering better products or increasing the efficiency of their processes. With our essential guide, we'll help you take your business to the next level.

Build Your Website
Ensuring your company’s website is user friendly is an essential part of growing your business. A design that is both functional and modern in today's competitive market will help keep your business on top. A well designed and optimised website is imperative in generating new business leads and increasing your overall conversion rates. Implement rewards schemes by offering new customers who visit your site promotional offers and discount deals; don't forget your loyal existing customers. Strategies that encourage consumers to refer their friends and family to your website in exchange for discounts will also improve your sales conversions.

Invest In PPC
Having a constant source of new sales is a top priority in business. Pay per click is a fantastic method for generating new leads. Working with a specialist like BigSurf Digital to execute an effective PPC strategy using a wide array of targeting factors will give your business an edge in today's digital world. Not only will this generate new leads for your business, but it will work towards raising awareness of your brand across the online world.

Familiarise Yourself With The Area
An important factor in growing your business in any city is familiarising yourself with the local area. As more and more companies are relocating to Glasgow, it is important to understand what this amazing city has to offer your business.

A lively and welcoming city with plenty of character and great experiences, Glasgow has a lot to offer any business. The cost of living in Glasgow is far lower than in London, and many companies find their employees happier as they don't have to pay as much to sustain a good standard of living. Businesses can also expect to pay less for office and retail spaces, allowing you to invest more into the areas of your company that need it most. Glasgow boasts excellent transport links, with the best suburban rail network outside of London, and is regularly voted the friendliest city in the world.

Glasgow is also home to four universities and an immense talent pool for your business development needs. Glasgow offers more students and graduates per person than in London.

Know your competition
Improve how you're business is operating by understanding what competitors are doing. Take advantage of your competitors' weaknesses and develop a business plan your competitors haven't contemplated. Adjust your strategy to take advantage of any gaps in the industry, monitor any newcomers to stay ahead of the competition.

Stand out from the crowd by investing in creativity. Hold company meetings where every employee can have a say and stay open to any new ideas they may have; creative solutions can come from many places. Host events for both existing and prospective clients to promote new products you have and encourage feedback from loyal consumers by offering discounts or prize draws.

Understand your customers
It won't surprise you to know that the heart of your business is your customers, and in the world’s friendliest city, it is important to understand what your consumers want and need. Make use of any feedback you receive from your clients to make them feel heard and acknowledged. Customers that feel ignored or that a company doesn't care won't remain loyal, and loyal consumers are the lifeblood of every organisation.

Develop A Social Media Presence
An essential part of any marketing strategy, social media is a brilliant tool for your business. Increase your reach and encourage customer engagement with regular business updates; entice with fun stories from your company and include your employees in developing a unique brand.

Create A Mailing List
Emails are still a fantastic way to grow a business, encourage visitors to your website to subscribe to your mailing list in exchange for a discount on their next purchase. This way, you're not just a status update and gone; you'll be able to send emails directly to your customer, directing them to the most recent offers and services available.

Spend Time Networking
Expand your professional relationships, gain insight into competitors and understand the markets surrounding your business by networking. Attend events or host your own to improve your business relationships and potentially meet investors to enhance your business growth.

Networking will help you not only find suppliers for your business but help you nurture those relationships. Suppliers are more likely to help you when problems arise if you keep good relationships with them. Don't be late with payments and develop mutually beneficial exchanges to increase your standing with your suppliers.

Brand and Company Visibility
If your prospective clients don't know you exist, how can they do business with you? Increasing your companies visibility is crucial to growth and success. Ensuring you are visible on Google Maps will help consumers find you. SEO optimisation is an essential step in visibility to have your website show up on the first page of a customers search.

Fund Staff Training
You can expect improved performance from your employees with staff training schemes. However, many businesses don't realise that you can also expect significant growth in your company by training existing staff. You can also enjoy a lower staff turnover when you fund training, creating a happier working environment for all employees in the business.

Funding staff training is also cost-effective. Training staff to continuously develop their skills with your company will save you money on recruitment strategies. Encouraging loyalty and job satisfaction will ensure all your team are committed to the success of the business.

Employees with up-to-date knowledge and relevant skills will benefit your customer's experiences, keeping you ahead of the competition with the best and most highly skilled engaging with your consumers and potential clients.