The Community Foundation for Calderdale regional winners in the National Chamber of Commerce Business Awards

The Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC) has been recognized as regional winners in the esteemed National Chamber of Commerce Business Awards 2023, specifically in the Community Champion Category. As proud members of the Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, CFFC demonstrated exceptional commitment by granting a staggering £3.1 million to various charities within Calderdale last year.

Nominated by their Chamber for the initial round of judging, CFFC emerged as regional winners, positioning them as finalists for the prestigious national awards. With a legacy spanning over three decades, the Community Foundation has witnessed substantial growth in managing an ever-increasing portfolio of funds, thereby empowering groups to transform Calderdale into an even more vibrant and nurturing community. Functioning as a grant-making powerhouse, the organization adeptly balances investments within an endowment fund and adeptly manages funds on behalf of other benevolent contributors.

In the previous year alone, CFFC disbursed an impressive total of 288 grants, encompassing a wide spectrum of causes ranging from enhancing housing and alleviating homelessness, to bolstering food banks, addressing disadvantages, fortifying mental and physical health, combatting climate change, and spearheading initiatives to foster social unity.

Steve Duncan, CEO of CFFC, explained, “It’s not just about the financial resources that flow into our organization; relationships are the cornerstone of our business. We have cultivated invaluable connections with the public sector, businesses, charities, and individuals alike, which enables us to connect people who care with local causes that matter.”

“We organise both the Business for Calderdale Awards and the Calderdale Community Spirit Awards. We consistently find that individuals, charities, and businesses, although they perform world-class work, often remain humble and quietly dedicated to their missions, seeking no reward or acclaim. The boot is on the other foot in this situation, and so it is an honour for us to see our efforts acknowledged at a national level.”

Martin Hathaway, managing director of the Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, commended the achievement, stating, "The Community Foundation for Calderdale embodies the essence of community spirit and philanthropy. Their dedication to enhancing the lives of individuals in Calderdale is nothing short of inspirational."

The national winners will be accorded a special invitation to an exclusive event at the London Stock Exchange on 16th November 2023, where they will be presented with their well-deserved Award.