Silicon Yorkshire and Leeds Cloud merge

Silicon Yorkshire, one of the fastest growing technology communities in the UK, has merged with Leeds Cloud, the organisation supporting cloud infrastructure for businesses across the city.

Building on the collective strength and extended network of both organisations, a new board of directors has been appointed.

Supporting the original vision of Silicon Yorkshire; to spark conversation, ignite ideas and generate opportunity, the group will now work on the programme of events, speaker occasions and business to business activities that it delivers.

As well as attracting the leading minds, innovative disruptors and c-suite executives from the tech and digital industries, the group will also provide a platform to drive conversation around the topics that matter most to those working in the sectors.

Geoff Shepherd comments: “What a great organisation Leeds Cloud is. We are really excited to be joining forces with this rapidly growing events and opportunity-creation platform for the cloud technology community.

“The Leeds Cloud Team will add real capability to Silicon Yorkshire. Working closely with these Yorkshire tech entrepreneurs is going to rapidly accelerate the progress of the group within the next twelve months, as we work towards our ambition to become the largest technology community in the North of England.”

Gareth Huxall (pictured) comments: “Silicon Yorkshire is a great platform to engage, share and connect. We want to make sure that an extended network of tech professionals takes advantage of the opportunities it presents.

“Taking our combined strength and professional experiences, we know that we can build on the foundations that have been set by Geoff and amplify this to benefit even more businesses.”

Bringing a breadth of relevant experience to the boardroom table, Sam Hasson is Co-Founder of Tinkle, the smarter business phone system and Gareth Huxall, Managing Director of ViVoTECH, delivering bespoke IT solutions to business.