Seminar will provide the guidance to stay on the right side of data protection laws

Business owners, managers, directors, accountants and human resources professionals will all benefit from a free seminar covering Data Protection to ensure they comply with laws surrounding data and privacy.

Hosted in Leeds by Yorkshire law firm, LCF Law, at 8.30am on Tuesday 19th October, Partner James Sarjantson from the commercial team and Gemma Sherbourne, Senior Associate from the company’s employment team, will explain and simplify the complex rules and regulations surrounding Data Protection.

“There are many principles, rights and obligations surrounding Data Protection which affect every business in every industry sector,” explained Gemma from LCF Law. “All UK organisations that process or store personal data must comply with The Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR, as well as EU GDPR if they operate in Europe.”

The free and informative seminar will cover several aspects of Data Protection from identifying what can and cannot be done with personal data, to how to deal with subject access requests, data retention, updating data protection documentation and privacy notices, special category data and the sharing of information and international data transfers. All will be clearly explained in a concise one-hour presentation.

LCF Law’s managing partner, Simon Stell, said: “It’s over three years since GDPR was introduced and many businesses and organisation are still falling foul of the regulations, which could lead to hefty fines.

“It’s great to be able to run this session in person, which will also provide a valuable networking opportunity. We are really looking forward to meeting people face to face again. This free seminar is part of a series that we have hosted on topics that impact businesses in the region and beyond. To date they have all been done virtually due to the pandemic, so this event, which will take place at The Chambers, 30 Park Place, Leeds, will be a welcome return to normal.”

Hundreds of businesses of all sizes have benefited from the free advice on numerous topics including how to maximise the value in a business, pricing strategies and planning for the future, as well as employment laws and trends following the pandemic.

To register for the event visit Eventbrite.