Scarborough and Whitby in 2035 ... how would you spend £25m in each town for regeneration and economic growth?

Business people and visitors to the Yorkshire coast are being invited to give their views on how Scarborough and Whitby could create new visions for their towns.

The two big east coast locations are taking part in a competitive bid process as part of the government's Towns Deal Fund.

The Towns Fund Deal is a government-funded £3.6 billion opportunity for towns throughout England to bid for funds to improve skills, digital and transport connectivity, create new jobs, raise aspiration and revitalise the prospects of the area.

Economic growth is a key part of the deal and each town can suggest how it thinks this could be achieved.

Post-coronavirus, and as business and communities start looking forward to a vital resurgence in whatever form and shape that will take, the contributions of ideas for longer-term growth are crucial.

A total of 101 towns have been invited to bid for upto £25m each.
The towns range from Blackpool to Bedford, Torquay to Truro, and include both Scarborough and Whitby. They are invited to develop Town Investment Plans and submit bids for a share of the Towns Fund.

Communities, businesses and local leaders in Scarborough and Whitby are joining forces to draw up ambitious plans to transform their towns’ prosperity prospects with a focus that embraces improved transport, digital connectivity, business, skills and culture.

The views of people across Yorkshire are also very important.
Your opinion - as people who would often or normally head to the Scarborough and Whitby areas - is crucial to our success.

This is your opportunity to say where you would go to in a revitalised coastal town and what kind of things you would be travelling to do with family or friends or just as day-trippers and holidaymakers.

Of course, at the moment in the COVID-19 lockdown, don't go the coast at all! Ironic of course as they normally can't wait to see you ...
But in the meantime, please go to this #mytown website for either Scarborough or Whitby opinion-posting, or both:

and give your suggestions on the general themes, derived from public feedback and sessions with particular organisations:

· Connectivity (digital and transport)
· Skills and enterprise
· Culture, leisure and Special Places
· Supporting a thriving town centre
· Well-being and social interaction
· Resilience, sustainability, carbon neutrality

Also please join these Twitter accounts:
@ScarboroughMy or

and the Scarborough My Town Limkedin account - and add your inputs!

TopicUK is pleased to help support this request and regionally share the invitation for your contributions to this important survey of opinion for Yorkshire.