Running fanatic raises over £3000 for charity in under 7 days

David Slater, a running fanatic from Leeds, has raised over £3000 for charity in under seven days, as part of his mission to run 10k every day for 10 weeks.

The initiative, dreamt up by David to assist his recovery from long-term health issues, is designed to inspire a positive mental attitude and encourage others to pursue a healthy lifestyle post Lockdown.

Candlelighters (the Yorkshire-based Cancer trust) and Mind (the mental health charity) are the causes lucky enough to receive David’s support.

David commented: “Every runner needs a ‘why’. It’s that what spurs them on when their legs are in tatters and that voice in their head’s urging them to throw in the towel. Without one, they’ll just crumble. So after recovering from a serious health condition, I decided to put my ‘why’ to work and combine my need for exercise with two very good causes – Mind and Candlelighters.

“Having a close friend lose their daughter to childhood cancer made Candlelighters an obvious choice. Being aware of the work they do first hand, really opened my eyes to the value of what they do. And what with cancer (or in fact any illness) being a mentally tough time, Mind too seemed like a fitting cause. After all, mental health is incredibly important to me as a runner, so I suppose you could say that running to inspire others is if anything, rather poignant.”

Being a sporting man himself, David has also received support from a roster of Yorkshire’s finest sporting stars. Pro Boxer, Jack Bateson, accompanied David on the first leg of his journey back in early March. It’s also rumoured that two former Leeds Rhinos players will also be running alongside David, as well as another local boxing star.

Chris Salt, Partnerships Executive at Candlelighters, added: “David’s challenge is nothing short of inspiring - we’re so grateful for his support. Last year our core funding took a significant hit and we anticipate it’ll take several years for it to recover. Supporters like David and his sponsors, The Property Buying Company and Design Tonic, give us the confidence that we’ll be able to support our families across Yorkshire both now, and in the near future.”

Each year, over 150 children in Yorkshire are diagnosed with cancer. Candlelighters is a charity bringing light and hope to families facing childhood cancer across Yorkshire, providing emotional, practical and financial support from diagnosis and for as long as is needed, as well as funding research into childhood cancers.

One in four people will experience a mental health problem. Mind works to support and empower those affected and ensure they’re properly supported and treated with respect.