Re-opening of iconic Marsden Community Hub

Marsden’s popular community-run venue opened its doors once more on Monday 17th May, as government coronavirus restrictions lifted, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of local people.

The historic building, home to classes, events, live music, theatre, weddings and parties, is in better shape than ever before as it has been deep cleaned and refurbished, thanks to successful grant fundraising by local volunteers.

Marsden Mechanics is run by the community for the community by local volunteers coming together as registered charity, Marsden Community Trust.
Martin Collett chair of the Marsden Mechanics building management group for Marsden Community Trust said

“We’ve been really looking forward to welcoming everyone back to the building. Staff and volunteers from the Trust have been working hard to clean and redecorate throughout, refurbish the heating, lift and accessible toilets, add new screens, lighting, signs and safety stations and have raised grant funding for new activities in the centre. We are delighted with how everything is looking and would like to extend our thanks to everyone involved.”

A video has been produced by Mechanics tenants Mikron Theatre to showcase the refurbishments and improvements to the building.

The venue has also been a base for Marsden Help which has brought assistance to individuals and families in need throughout the pandemic.

Art classes, yoga, meditation, sewing and taekwondo classes have all restarted. Meeting rooms can be hired for small events. Larger events will commence when it is safe to do so. All users of the building will be asked to sign in and observe safe coronavirus protocols.

Marsden library is open for new hours on Wednesdays 1 – 6pm and Saturdays 10 – 1pm. Every Friday computer use can be booked in advance 1 – 5pm.

Marsden Community Trust have secured a grant from the One Community Thornton Family Fund to establish a set of new groups, a weekly Stay and Play Group for pre-school children and families, a monthly Memory Café for people with dementia and their carers and activities for active older people.