Pulling together during challenging times

At the moment, each day feels a little bit like Groundhog Day doesn't it? It's been less than two weeks since we were all asked to isolate at home and I know for some, this is already proving to be a challenge.

It is essential though that we follow Government advice and stay home. I think this is the only way that we will beat this virus. The more we stay away from one another, the quicker this will be over and we can all get back to our normal life.

Here at the TopicUK office, we are operating as near normal as we can. We have produced our usual bi-monthly edition, the only difference is, we have been unable to print it, as most of our usual outlets for pick up are closed and of course nobody is out and about to pick a copy up. For that reason we have published online and on our App. (Download from the App Store or Google Play) This way, our readers can continue to read all the news from Yorkshire and those from our valued partners.The uptake has been amazing and our website is enjoying almost double the usual traffic.

Speaking of partners, I would like to thank all of those who are continuing to stand by us during this difficult time. We are continuing to promote all of our partners, putting in the extra hours to make sure they are represented by us on all of our social media channels. It is important from a marketing point of view that businesses stay in the public eye during this lockdown, to ensure that they are at the forefront of peoples minds when everything gets back to normal. In return for their loyalty and support, we intend to offer much more support when we return to normal.

Once this is all over, businesses are going to have empty order books, no reservations in restaurants and hotels but be assured the public will want to be out and about and celebrating. Hotels and restaurants can continue to promote Christmas events for example online now, details and viewings can take place after lockdown has lifted. Holiday makers will no doubt remain in the UK this Summer, but will be desperate to spend sometime away from the confines of their homes, so why not spend this time promoting special offers to these people online? TopicUK are offering special packages that are available now, that will help with promotion immediately, but more importantly, will help fill those order books once the lockdown is lifted and the bonus is, there is nothing to pay now. If you're interested, do drop me an email: editor@topicuk.co.uk.

We are still getting lots of good news coming through and my heart is lifted to receive stories whereby businesses are supporting one another. If you do have a good news story, please do share it with us.

We have a new project. Yorkshire Businesswoman. (Check out the website https://yorkshirebusinesswoman.co.uk) this is digital for the moment, but will print in the not too distant future. The magazine is there to support all Yorkshire businesswomen and we welcome your news, views, opinions etc and if you are interested in contributing, please do get in touch. PR@topicuk.co.uk

Stay safe and stay home