MAD Devs is accelerating its international expansion plans with a launch in the UAE

Leeds-based, MAD Devs is supporting Mercedes with lead management and document management platforms to improve the customer experience and enhance operational efficiency.

Commenting on the growth, David Boyce, CEO at MAD Devs, said: “We’ve put dealers at the heart of our innovation programme, and it’s accelerated the pace that we roll out developments to our platform. It’s an approach that is proving popular in the UK and driving growth around the world.

“New retail models and changing consumer behaviour have increased the requirement for technology platforms that can seamlessly support the customer journey in omnichannel retail.”

The UK-based automotive technology company now operates at 1,500 sites around the world. It helps dealers in several areas, from increasing sales conversion rates to ensuring compliance procedures are followed.

David concluded: “Understanding a team’s performance is essential. The best 30% of salespeople will perform up to four times better than the bottom 30%, and top salespeople spend 22% more time than low-performers interacting with customers. The conversation doesn’t have to be face-to-face, with around 80 per cent of buyers choosing remote communication. Our technology helps to drive performance across a dealership with user-friendly software.”