Lord Mayor of Leeds to open public sleep-out

The Lord Mayor of Leeds is set to attend and deliver a keynote speech at an upcoming charity sleepout and is asking the public to sleep outside for the worthy cause.

West Yorkshire homelessness charity Simon on the Streets is running its Big Sleep Out for the first time following a two-year Covid-induced hiatus on Thursday 20th October at Leeds Civic Hall.

Leeds Lord Mayor 2022 - 2023 Councillor Robert W Gettings MBE JP will open the event, discussing the importance of local homelessness charities including Simon on the Streets, one of the Lord Mayor’s four chosen charities to support during his 12-month term.

Simon’s Big Sleep Out is set to welcome hundreds of participants, where they will sleep outside for one night. This night isn’t intended to replicate the full experience of homelessness, instead the event is about raising awareness, along with vital funds to ensure the charity can continue its important outreach work.

Sponsored by British online homeware retailer, DUSK, all participants will bed down in a secure, enclosed space with refreshments, entertainment, and games. For everyone who signs up to the sleep out, DUSK will donate a brand-new bedding set to homelessness accommodation providers in the city.

Founded in 1999, Simon on the Streets is an organisation which seeks to 'provide hope for those without a voice'. The charity delivers emotional and practical support for those living on the streets and offers specialist services to transform lives and works with individuals across Leeds, Bradford and Kirklees.

The Lord Mayor of Leeds comments: “I am looking forward to opening this year’s public sleep out in support of Simon on the Streets, they do such fantastic work across West Yorkshire which I am honoured to be able to support.

“I would urge everyone who is able to support to do so and help Simon on the Streets help some of the most vulnerable people in our communities, either by donating money or taking part in the public sleep out.”

Natalie Moran, CEO at Simon on the Streets says: “We’re incredibly excited that our Big Sleep Out will be back this month for the first time since the Covid pandemic; we couldn’t do it without the support of the Lord Mayor and wonderful supporters such as our headline sponsor, DUSK and of course the attendees.

“We’re understandably concerned about the rising cost of living and the impact on homelessness this will have. It has, therefore, never been more important to support our work and we’re asking the public to get involved and attend the Simon’s Big Sleep Out.”

Carla Johnson, marketing director at DUSK adds: “At DUSK, we believe everyone deserves to have a happy home. We are sponsoring the Big Sleep Out to help raise awareness of the vital outreach Simon on the Streets do, in supporting the homeless and vulnerable community in rebuilding and transforming their lives. Our HQ is in the heart of Leeds, and a number of our colleagues are looking forward to taking part in the event.”

The Big Sleep Out commences at 7pm and will include the Lord Mayor’s opening speech with sax and percussion music from Love Leeds Events and an exciting quiz from KwizzBit. Refreshments will be provided on the night by D&D London with breakfast included the following day.

Tickets cost £25 plus booking fee and participants are asked to set a sponsorship target of £100 which will enable Simon on the Streets to continue its vital work.