Live in the moment at your Peril.

Author: Jonathan Kattenberg

The place we call home is changing and the problem is relatively simple. Too much carbon is being pumped into our atmosphere and it is causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. It is a bit like us wearing too may jumpers on a hot day. The heat produced from body has nowhere to go, it becomes trapped and therefore our core temperature rises making life very uncomfortable.

As things stand the average temperature across the globe will increase by at least four degrees Celsius (above preindustrial levels) by the turn of the next century and it won’t stop there! The speed of this increase in unprecedented and if unabated will change humanity as we know it. Rising sea levels, loss of biodiversity, mass migration, severe droughts, water and food shortages – do I need to go on?

The good news is we can avoid it and continue to prosper. Enter the world of sustainable consumption. The objective is to limit temperature rises to under two degrees as this level is recognised as the tipping point where above the temperature will continue to rise regardless of human activity. This is due to the unstoppable release of locked up carbon in ice caps, soils and our oceans that an increase of two-degrees on the planet would cause.

What do we have to do? We have a two-degree carbon credit of 2.9 trillion tonnes. We have already used over 1.9 trillion tonnes giving us around 1 trillion tonnes to use between now and forever. The biggest thing we need to do is to stop burning fossil fuels. This requires a re-invention of just about every part of how we live our lives. Everything from transport, building, energy and food production and industry all need to change.

The similarities between a lack of financial and environmental planning are stark. You can’t just expect either to happen on their own and arrive effortlessly into a bright tomorrow. The good news is you can kill two birds with one stone by simply asking one question of Life Wealth Coaching.

Think about it for a moment, if what we need to do is alter all our processes and technologies to be carbon neutral how are we going to do that? It requires change and change means investment. There is a great opportunity for making money whilst helping to reduce the impact of climate change or as Mark Carney recently said; do well by doing good.

So, what is the question, are my investments helping to reduce carbon emissions? If you don’t know then you’re not alone but help is at hand. Author and Life Wealth coach Jonathan Kattenberg has spent the last twenty years helping clients with this, helping them to construct a plan so that the moment can be lived in full and with the knowledge that the future hasn’t been taken for granted. A plan that provides future security for you, your family and the planet.

For more information contact Jonathan on;
Freephone 0800 1123838