Leading Leeds surgeon records personal best in Jane Tomlinson 10k

Leading Yorkshire-based plastic surgeon consultant Dr Fas Arshad has recorded a personal best time in the Jane Tomlinson Leeds 10K.

Dr Arshad, who only took up running five weeks ago, swapped his scrubs for his running kit and finished the 10K race in one hour 13 minutes.

Dr Arshad, who owns and runs the acclaimed Leeds Private Hospital at Redhall in Shadwell, has raised £2,700 so far for Cancer Research UK.

His fund-raising efforts put him in the top five per cent of fundraisers last month on the Just Giving website pages.

He explained: “This is a cause very close to my heart. Cancer Research UK is a pioneering charity that is leading the way into how to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. It has benefited millions of lives over the years. When I was working in the NHS, I could see directly how the fantastic work done by this organization directly impacts patients’ lives. This is why I was determined to raise as much funds as possible for this noble cause”.

“I have been humbled by the support I have received from friends and colleagues and the fact that I was so high in the Just Giving charts is purely down to the generosity of others, rather than my own efforts. I was determined to let no-one down in the 10K last weekend.

“The Leeds 10K was Jane Tomlinson’s vision. Having raised £1.8 million for charity while she was battling terminal cancer, in 2006 Jane knew her time left to fundraise was limited. As a result, she decided to set up the Leeds 10K to continue the fundraising vehicle for charities that she had started.”

Over the last 15 years, the Leeds 10K has grown to become one of the highlights of the city’s events calendar, and is a hugely popular, inclusive and supported race for participants of all abilities. Throughout the route that takes in many of the city’s historic landmarks, crowds come out in force. A fantastic atmosphere and friendly volunteers make the event unforgettable for all.

The Leeds Private Hospital at Red Hall House, which was formerly the Rugby Football League Headquarters, has been completely renovated to create one of the finest private hospitals in the north of England.

If you would like to support Dr Arshad, his Just Giving page is https://www.justgiving.com/page/fas-arshad-1683718049874