Law firm celebrates UK and European data protection exam success

Two privacy and data protection practitioners at law firm Gordons have passed professional exams to further qualify them in this complex and constantly evolving area of the law.

Solicitor Lauren Wills-Dixon has achieved a Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection (PC.dp) whilst paralegal Tosif Bahir passed the Certified Information Privacy Professional – Europe (CIPP/E) exams.

Lauren’s PC.dp is regarded as the UK’s leading practical qualification for data protection professionals and is accredited by the UK Law Society and the Bar Council.

It demonstrates the practitioner possesses a detailed knowledge of privacy laws and the practical implications of data protection law requirements.

Tosif’s qualification provides him with knowledge of best practices for pan-European national data protection laws, key privacy terminology and practical concepts concerning personal data and cross-border data flows.

Commenting on the pair’s exam success, head of commercial Andy Brian said: “Privacy and data protection is a key legal practice area as all businesses collect and process personal data and regulatory scrutiny is understandably high.

“Lauren’s and Tosif’s certifications are well earned. They are indicative of Gordons’ commitment to ensuring that our clients always receive well-informed, practical and straightforward advice.”