Kirklees College and Mark Eastwood MP to host Apprenticeships and Skills Fair

Kirklees College is working in collaboration with Mark Eastwood MP to host an Apprenticeships and Skills Fair at the Pioneer Higher Skills Centre in Dewsbury.

Working with 18 established employers in Kirklees, including Fox’s Biscuits, John Cotton, Shackletons, UK Greetings, The Armed Forces and The Department of Working Pensions, the fair will showcase the wide range of apprenticeships available and career opportunities for young people in the local area.

Taking place on Thursday 23 September, the event is open for local schools to attend from 10am – 2pm and the general public from 3pm – 6pm.

As one of the leading apprenticeship providers in the region, the event aims to promote apprenticeships as a viable career option for people of all ages and the benefits of learning and earning a wage alongside industry professionals.

Jonathan Price, commercial sales manager at Kirklees College said: “We are looking forward to working with Mark Eastwood MP and our employer partners to host our first Apprenticeships and Skills Fair.

It will be a great opportunity to engage with potential apprentices for the next academic year and those seeking career development opportunities with our Employer Engagement team on hand to offer specialist support and guidance to both employers and event attendees.”

Mark Eastwood, Member of Parliament for Dewsbury said: “Firstly, I would like to thank Kirklees College for agreeing to host this exciting event and to all the companies who have agreed to attend so far.

This fair provides employers with the unique opportunity to showcase apprenticeship schemes, employment opportunities and the skills which can be gained by working for a local company.

As we emerge from the pandemic, strengthening our economy, backing local businesses and helping people into employment is my top priority as the MP for Dewsbury.”

For more information, contact the Employer Engagement team by calling 0800 781 3020 or emailing