King's Speech - Housing

In response to the King's speech today, Northern Housing Consortium chief executive Tracy Harrison said: “The Government’s focus on housing is good news for Northerners. The proposals set out in the King’s Speech to build more homes, including desperately needed social rent homes, are especially welcome. We know there is enough brownfield land in the North to build up to 320,000 new homes, making a significant contribution to tackling the housing crisis.

“We’re pleased to see a commitment to make things better for renters in the private sector including extending the Decent Homes Standard to the private rented sector. Local authority enforcement capacity will be critical in delivering real change.

“The North’s homes are the oldest and coldest in England, so while there were no legislative measures announced today we welcome the government’s commitment to a Warm Homes programme. With the right investment we can kick start the green economy in the North and potentially create 77,000 new green jobs over the next ten years.

“Further devolution of powers to Mayors and Combined Authorities is a critical step to deliver real change across the wide and diverse range of communities across the North.

“However, if the Government wants to deliver its ambitions there will have to be investment as well as new legislation and policy change. We will continue to talk to Government about the changes that are needed, including unlocking future investment, to ensure that all communities across the North can benefit from a warm, safe, good quality affordable home in a great community.”