Homelessness charity secures raft of new business supporters
A West Yorkshire homelessness charity has signed up six business supporters as charity partners of the year.
Simon on the Streets has welcomed West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Sky, accounting giant PwC’s Leeds and Bradford offices, Leeds-based marketing agency Let’s Market, Tom Maxwell Furniture and Cabinets and strategic creative agency, McCann Leeds.
Each business has committed to supporting the charity for one year and will be undertaking a variety of company events and fundraising activities, as well as getting involved in the charity’s own events.
Simon on the Streets CEO, Natalie Moran comments: “We could not be more grateful to all these businesses for their commitment to support Simon on the Streets for the year ahead.
“We have an exciting calendar of events planned for the rest of the year which we’re looking forward to having our corporate supporters get involved in as well as working with them on their own activities.”
PwC’s Andy Ward (PwC market senior partner - Leeds & Bradford offices) comments: "Every year, PwC selects a number of charities to support across our offices in the UK, and this year, Simon on the Streets is one of our Leeds initiatives.
"The work that Simon on the Streets does to support those experiencing homelessness not just while they're dealing with life on the streets but also with new accommodation, emotional support and access to specialist services is so important to the local community, and we're extremely pleased to be supporting them."
Tom of Tom Maxwell Furniture and Cabinets adds: “We chose to partner with and support Simon on the Streets after coming across the charity when my son was learning about homelessness at school. The work Simon on the Streets does to help people local to our Kirkstall offices and all across the city and beyond is tremendous and we’re pleased to be able to support their good work.”
Simon on the Streets’ next fundraising event, its ‘Accumulator Challenge’ commences on 1st July with further business supporters including Tattu’s Leeds restaurant team committed to take part. During the three month-long challenge, the charity will test participants’ entrepreneurial creativity by tasking them to convert £40 into more to allow it to continue its work supporting homeless and vulnerable people across Leeds, Bradford and Kirklees.