Choosing the right flooring for your office space: what to consider

Setting up an office space for your business requires time, effort and dedication if you want to get it right and ensure that you have a premises that will suit your company’s unique specifications.

There are many considerations to take into account when choosing an office space. Then, once you’ve found it, you need to decorate it and fit it out to create the ideal working environment for your team.

One factor that’s easy to overlook when designing and decorating an office space is the floor. While the floor might be at the bottom of the room and last on your mind, it’s a crucial aspect of any office space.

That’s because the flooring solution you choose will determine the usability of your space for some tasks, such as moving large items. Also, it will affect the look and feel of your workspace.

To help you make the right decision about the flooring solution for your new office space, we’ve put together this list of key considerations you need to take into account.

Area Size
The size of the floor in your office space will have a major effect on the type of flooring you choose. For small spaces or offices that are split into different rooms and cubicles, you could choose different materials and options for each area. On the other hand, for a large, open-plan office, you might need one large flooring solution to get a cohesive look. If you have a large office space and want to use one solution throughout, then you need to make sure that it is secure and that it doesn’t crack under pressure from all the movement above. In these cases, a control joint can be used in strategic positions to reduce the pressure on the floor material. Speak to your contractor about using a control joint in your construction structure to keep your floor from cracking or warping over time.

Expected Foot Traffic
Alongside the size of your floor, you also need to think about how many people will walk on it. A select number of office staff will cause less damage to a floor than many different people. So if you’re planning on allowing customers to enter your office, then you need to choose a durable flooring solution that is hardwearing and can cope with a lot of foot traffic, like linoleum or hardwood. If your office is small and won’t have a lot of people walking through it, then you could think about a less durable but more aesthetically-pleasing option, like carpet or delicate tiles.

Cleaning And Maintenance
Durability affects not only how long your flooring will last but also how much care you’ll need to take of it over its lifetime. How much effort and cleaning you have to put in will determine the overall cost of the flooring throughout the time you have it, so this should be a key consideration for budget-conscious office managers. Vinyl flooring is often considered to be one of the easiest flooring solutions to clean, while carpet is more laborious.

Selecting the right flooring solution for your office space is important, as this will set the tone for the interior design and have practical applications as well. If you’re unsure about the kind of flooring to choose, then use these tips to help you make an informed decision that will benefit your company, workers and office visitors.