CFFC membership relaunch hailed a great success

The Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC) relaunched their Membership Scheme yesterday at a networking event at Berties in Elland. The event was sponsored by long term supporters Caravan Guard and 80 people were booked on.

Steve Duncan, CEO of CFFC explained, “With membership starting as little as £10 a year for Not-for-profit organisations, small businesses joining at £120 a year and larger businesses joining at £600 a year, people seem to be attracted to join by a few things. Firstly, 100% of the membership fee goes out as a grant, it doesn’t come to our overhead costs, plus the member can choose which cause it goes to. They can choose from housing & homelessness, poverty & disadvantage, community cohesion, health & Wellbeing, or climate emergency. Plus, we will match fund pound for pound doubling their contribution. So if a member joins at £120 a year, they have actually made £240 go into the pot to be given out as a grant to a charity in Calderdale.”

“Things have changed a lot in the last few years. Businesses are more philanthropic but where they spend their money is under more scrutiny and they want to make sure they are spending it wisely. In the last 12 months, we have given out over £2.5 million of grants and people want to play their part and come together to make a big difference making Calderdale a nicer place to live.”

For more information about getting involved and becoming a member, visit