Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Do you recall asking that as a child on a trip?

It’s a question that has passed through my mind increasingly as the weeks during lockdown have continued.

I appreciate that patience always pays and we have to be incredibly responsible and respectful during these unprecedented times and hopefully, the end will be in sight sometime soon.

Are the shops open yet?

Last month I read an interesting piece where Mary Portas (founder of Portas, a creative consultancy that explores the future of shopping and living) was asked for her thoughts on how high street retail can recover after lockdown. She believes that we will see a fundamental change and that assuming they are in a position to choose, people will care far more about a retailer's values. She had already seen a pre-Covid-19 shift towards a more thoughtful pattern of consumption based on a concern for the environment and now she believes it will matter even more. The bigger possibility is that we will see a new way of operating across the entire economy.

In my opinion, retail after Covid-19 could go one of two ways and I sincerely hope that together we can lend weight to it moving in the right direction. In the aftermath of this travesty, retailers could take the opportunity to re-evaluate and reflect, and ultimately embrace the lessons learnt and create a new model.

The power that we have lies not only in open debate but also in our pockets.

Who we choose to spend our money with and where, will matter more than ever and I for one openly pledge to support our many independent businesses across the Yorkshire region.

Whether it be a new Fireplace for my home from Chris and his team at Easy Fireplace in Huddersfield (who recently received a glowing testimonial from the actress Catherine Tyldesley) or cards and gifts from the super talented creatives based within The Piece Hall, I pledge to “shop local” and ensure that these worthy businesses receive my custom.

For all businesses, what has happened over these last few months will yield a legacy.

At TopicUK we will cherish the memories of the businesses that helped us through it and are proud of those we stood shoulder to shoulder with, helping them champion their work and providing a listening ear if needed.

Our latest edition has just launched online and features Bradford born and bred James Mason, Chief Executive of Welcome to Yorkshire. We had a super event at AvenueHQ planned for this month and James had kindly agreed to be guest speaker, little did we know when we were making our plans that we would go through such times however we feel certain that we will be able to fix another date (won’t it be absolutely brilliant to actually go out and meet people again?)

This edition showcases our many and loyal partners from across the region plus also introduces some new faces who are joining the team as we continue to work on our fantastic new addition to TopicUK - "Yorkshire Businesswoman".

With competitions, expert advice and news from across the region, it has been a privilege to see how hard both Gill and Rob have worked on it (their drive and determination never falters).

Should you be keen to learn more about our plans for the future please do drop me a line:

Till we meet again,

Take Care
