ACS’S contribution to local and national economy recognised with MP visit

Leeds Central MP and Labour Party politician Hilary Benn visited ACS Stainless Steel (ACS) this week to see first-hand, the work it is doing in promoting the creation of safer and more sustainable buildings.

ACS is a leading Yorkshire manufacturer and designer of structural building components used in construction of the largest modern-day projects in the UK. Driven by a team of local people who are passionate about the research and development of patented innovative solutions, including essential construction components such as masonry support and brick panel solutions, the Cross Green based business employs 125 people including a growing number of apprentices. It has established a reputation both locally and nationally for reinvesting its profits back into product research and development to create new products that can be used by developers looking to create high rise structures that meet the fluid challenges of Government legislation.

Speaking about the opportunity to find out more about the business and ACS’s award-winning work, Mr Benn said: “It was a pleasure to visit and see a strong and innovative business contributing to UK manufacturing here in Leeds Central.

“ACS is developing impressive new technologies and is committed to creating jobs for local people and training opportunities, particularly for younger people who are looking for a career in this important and exciting sector. I much enjoyed meeting their apprentices who impressed me greatly.”

ACS managing director, David Flannery added: “It has been a privilege to welcome Hilary to the business today and to introduce him to the many people who work hard to make it the success it is.

“By sharing our products and explaining the process from initial research activity to construction on site, I hope that it has given him a good insight into our ground-breaking work in the construction industry and how we offer the best and safest range of products and services to our customers.”