York Handmade Brick - predictions for 2024

These are challenging times, but I am confident we can maintain the progress we made this year, despite inflation and the cost-of-living crisis, in 2024. We are flourishing in the commercial property and education sectors, whilst quality residential housing, which has been our staple for a number of years, remains

Pinder Cooling & Heating elevates to Panasonic Pro partner status

A firm of air conditioning and commercial refrigeration specialists has reached a significant milestone in becoming Panasonic Pro Partners. Pinder Cooling & Heating has become one of only five Pro Partners in West Yorkshire, and the only one in Bradford and are now recognised as a leading supplier of Panasonic technology.

Bradford City Centre gift card reaches huge milestone

The Bradford City Centre Gift Card, launched by Bradford BID, has reached a momentous achievement, as sales soar past the £100,000 mark. The gift card, which is accepted in over 145 venues, including retail, leisure and hospitality businesses, safeguards funds exclusively for the city centre. For every £1 spent

New partnership is bad news for van criminals

A Yorkshire plumber featured on Dragon’s Den has teamed up with a major electrical wholesaler to help combat vehicle crime and protect livelihoods. Mike Horsfall’s groundbreaking VanGuardian alarm system caught the attention of bosses at YESSS Electrical - and a new partnership means it’s available through their

Eddisons relocates Bradford offices out of city centre to better serve industrial market

Growing national property consultancy Eddisons, which is headquartered in Leeds, has relocated its Bradford offices to the east wing of Frank Marshall Estates’ Grade II-listed Newhall building close to the M606 and M62 motorways, where the firm has taken 1,400 sq ft. The move from Eddisons’ Bradford city centre

Yorkshire and the Humber struggles in difficult economic climate

Much of the UK showed a worsening economic picture in November with many regions and nations, including Yorkshire and the Humber, seeing the pressure of high interest rates continuing to take its toll as the number of start-ups fell since the previous month while levels of insolvency-related activity rose. According

Looking ahead to 2024 by Paul Brown

There’s no doubt that 2023 has been a challenging year for the residential property market, both in Yorkshire and in the UK. Rising interest rates, the cost-of-living crisis and political uncertainty have combined to make many people wary about buying or selling a home. As new-build residential property developers,
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